This time I actually slept on the bed Friday night because my feet were so sore from walking around in dress shoes on Friday and then the long trek uphill back to the hotel. I was cosplaying Teito Klein from 07-Ghost that day, but only for a short while because it was a different outfit and it kept falling apart in some small places so I decided to change out around 3'oclock when I was at my other group of friends' hotel
(since I was switching to theirs anyways) I did get some pics that day but not too many.
Doctor Who meets 07-Ghost crossover |
After moving my stuff from the Mount Vernon hotel to the Renaissance hotel, we decided to grab food from 5 Guys and then eat it at the hotel cause it was way too crowded in there. One of my friends, Cass decided to play Castle Crashers in which I joined him while his older brother Brandon crashed on one of the beds, and our other friend Tyler was playing God of War on a tv they brought.
In the middle of playing, Brandon received a text that some idiot pulled the firealarm thinking that they were awesome; however they were caught on security camera, and the staff had to evacuate 30,000 con goers in 30 minutes. This ended up disappointing a lot of people and pissing them off.
Photo courtesy of my friend Katie of the Evacuation |
After playing games, they decided to check some panels and get ready for the rave; I decided to rest a bit and then change to better attire for walking around. I then proceeded in calling another group of friends since we were all supposed to meet up but then things backfired. My friend Pat met up with me because I sometimes get directionally challenged, so he found me and directed me to the Inuyasha panel he, Katie, and Amanda were at, but it really wasn't about Inuyasha too much so we left. Which we then left to get food but most places were closed including a McDonalds. Luckily we found a 7-11 which we got some stuff from their shelves to satiate our stomachs. We then proceeded to another panel that was about making fun of your favorite videogames; where we had to wait outside for 1.5 hrs. While waiting we ran into another one of our friends from campus.
Shenanigans of my friends with photobombing |
After the panel--- actually during the panel we got seperated, well to be more specific Chris and I got separated from Katie, Amanda, and Pat; in which after the panel was over we were still separated. Then Chris had to get back to his hotel in which I proceeded in meeting up with Brandon and Cass because Cass previously gave me the hotel key if I wanted to go back early. We originally had plans to stay up all night, but that didn't pan out because Brandon and Tyler fell asleep before Cass and I did and then we got tired of playing videogames and fell asleep around 4.
Nothing much except some clearances on stuff in the dealers' room. I bought a Doctor Who poser and a small wire dragon thing. Pretty much just walked around the area of Baltimore until checkout time with the car. We grabbed 5 Guys again for lunch and then I kinda passed in and out of consciousness in the carride. And nothing else really.
Things I've learned at Otakon:
- Pre-reg is sometimes better to go to at night.
- If you're going to the rave do it on Friday since Saturday lines get long
- Pay attention on meal times especially dinner, since many places close by 10-11
- Make sure the hotel is close by if you have a lot of stuff [buying or cosplaywise]
and that's about it.
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